Join Our Team

Melody’s Estate Sales is looking for
a few individuals to join our team!

This position would be Part Time and/or seasonal.
On average, team members work 2-4 days per sale week.

Do you LOVE to shop Estate Sales & Flea Markets? Have some free time on your hands?

You must be able to pass a criminal background check

If you have a flexible schedule of availability, willingness to travel through-out Indiana, a positive attitude and are willing to dig in…then you might be just the person we are looking for to join our team.

Must be able to lift 30 lbs and climb stairs. YES, the work can be hard but we also have a lot of fun! Good organization skills are helpful and if you are a morning person, that’s a PLUS!


To be considered:
Completely fill out the form below and hit SEND button

First and Last name (required)

Email Address (required)

Contact Phone w/ Area Code (required)

Best Time to be reached(required)
 Morning Afternoon Evening Anytime

Do you have reliable transportation?(required)
 yes no

To which counties are you willing to travel for work?(required)
 St Joseph Elkhart Tippecanoe Marion Allen Howard All of these Counties

Days of Availablity(required)
 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday All of the above

Which areas of the job interest you the most?(required)
 Digging + Sorting Cleaning, Organizing + Display Customer Service All of the above

Tell us about you past work experiences, hobbies, or interests as it relates to this position.


Proud Member Of:

For more information call us at:

Melody 574.355.1500
Office 574.753.8695

or Email us at: MKOLKE@AOL.COM